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Adelaide University Cricket Club
Celebrating 125 years of rich and successful sporting history in 2021, Adelaide University Sport and Fitness plays an integral role in the lives of students. Through its more than 35 sports clubs and three on campus gyms, Adelaide University Sport and Fitness provide an important balance between study and life. We offer an opportunity for students to develop important skills and experience that contribute to improved student retention, academic performance and employability.Our clubs, intervarsity events, elite athletes and social sport program a nurture new friendships and encourage a healthy campus culture. Our clubs provide participants with a sense of community, promote leadership and encourage excellence. Equally as important, is not only the physical benefits of sport and recreation, but also the emotional and social health benefits.
Best pub in Adelaide Great food, great drinks, great hospitality,The Cathedral Hotel is a beautiful heritage listed venue at the southern end of North Adelaide. It is conveniently located just a short stroll from both the Memorial Hospital and the Women's and Children's Hospital, as well as historic Adelaide Oval and the spectacular St Peter's Cathedral.The hotel was established in 1860 and many of its historical features are still evident. There are two separate and unique bars, a large dining room, as well as an alfresco area on Kermode Street.
Servicing SA is operated by a Management Team with extensive industry experience. We believe that the delivery of professional cleaning and security services is vital.We understand the importance of providing a clean, safe and secure work environment.We currently employ over 220 South Australians .Servicing SA success is due to not only good leadership, but also, due to the cleaning personnel who are remunerated, trained and supported to best practice standards.
Prospective Smiles is a modern general dental practice offering the latest technologies in preventative, orthodontics and facial rejuvenation.